Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)


Business and Financial Consultants

About Us

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, agility and sacrifice was required daily. While our family business was successful, the burdens of ownership weighed heavily. Endless people and process issues came home and consumed family time. Missed baseball games and cancelled trips were the norm.

After 10+ years in software where I consulted growing businesses, the entrepreneurial “bug” that runs in the family eventually caught up to me. I found a partner and went into the construction industry. Despite having all the right experience, we ran into the same chaos I saw in my family’s business and many others. Our departments were not aligned causing project delays, frustrated customers and exhaustion.

We found the book Traction and brought on an EOS Implementer. Running on EOS improved communication, got employees to pursue weekly and monthly goals, and helped our leaders win back time. I pivoted immediately to help other owners and leaders grow better and find balance with EOS.

Chaos. Complexity. Feeling prisoner. Hitting the ceiling. If you are experiencing any of these, I would like to help you not only overcome it, but thrive and gain peace of mind.

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View Personal Bio
Morgan Steir
Professional EOS Implementer
  • Cell Phone: (617) 999-3002